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Easter Sunday Brunch (Our second date)
Karl & Kelley Marie met at Morrison Inn on St. Patrick's Day weekend in 2003. Kelley Marie was sitting at a long table and every seat was taken except the one next to her. Karl arrived late and sat next to her.

Our friends, Charles Bradley and Chris Busch had spent time with Karl before. They knew Karl worked for Governor Bill Owens (Republican) and that Kelley Marie worked for the Women's Foundation of Colorado (known for its liberal views) and thought it would be a very "excited" conversation. However, as Kelley Marie and Karl started talking, they found out they had a lot in common and that their offices had been working on a project together.

By the end of the night, Karl had asked Kelley Marie out for "business" lunch. They exchanged business cards and planned to call to set up the lunch.

Well, three weeks later, Kelley Marie was walking to work and came across a lost soul on the street. By coincidence, the lost soul was looking for Karl's office. She helped him and went on to work. During that day, there were several other insistences that reminded Kelley Marie of Karl. Then, at around 3pm that day, Karl got enough nerve to call Kelley Marie. As the conversation started coming to an end, Karl asked Kelley Marie out to "dinner", instead of "lunch".

Kelley Marie agreed and they meet up for "dinner". They agreed on a time and location, the Painted Bench, now one of our favorite restaurants. They met at Kelley Marie's work and decided to walk to the restaurant. Once they got there, they ordered appetizers and wine and decided to have a progressive dinner, moving from restaurant to restaurant for different courses. They ended the night by going to Safeway to buy candy for the Children's home for Easter.

Karl took Kelley Marie back to her apartment and they made plans to meet for Easter service and brunch that weekend. As Karl began to leave, Kelley Marie said, "what no kiss?" Karl responded "What, on the first date?".

It has been just as fun ever since.......................